The Divine Liturgy is celebrated every Sunday at 9:30 am. Like the majority of Orthodox parishes, St. Andrew observes the Byzantine or Eastern Rite. Confessions are heard before Liturgy. Coffee hour and fellowship in the basement always follow after Liturgy.
Vespers is held every Saturday at 6:00 pm. Confessions are heard following Vespers.
If you have specific questions about confession, our services (or anything else, really), reach out to us at
In addition to the above, there are many liturgical worship services held throughout the year. Please see the calendar, most recent bulletin, upcoming events on the home page, and our facebook events. We also recommend signing up for our Remind service, under "Stay in Touch" on the home page, to stay informed of any schedule changes.
Regular study sessions of Holy Scripture are held throughout the year that typically involve study of a specific book.
For future sessions, please see the calendar, upcoming events on the home page, and our facebook events. We also recommend signing up for our Remind service, under "Stay in Touch" on the home page, to stay informed of any schedule changes.